Kel-Chris Farm

Harbor Springs, Michigan



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Our goal at Kel-Chris Farm is to breed, raise, show and sell

 quality Performance Horses. The majority of our horses

 are bred to be "Cutting" horses.

You can find the horses we currently have 
on our Facebook page
(click on above link)

We breed and raise our foals in Harbor Springs, Michigan.  Once the foals are "coming two year olds" they continue on to our trainers or are are "fitted" for the NCHA Futurity Sale in Fort Worth, Texas held each December. 

After our horses are in training for one year we assess and choose only a few to continue to 
be finished as "Cutting Horses".

If a horse doesn't continue in our "Cutting Program" we offer if for sale or have them return to 
Kel-Chris Farm to be our riding horses. 

Many of our horses that do not go on to "Cut" have been sold as Youth horses, Team Penners and Reined
Cow Horses. 

Every horse that we offer for sale has a very solid foundation.  They are well broke, they all have had at 
We breed and raise our foals in Harbor Springs, Michigan.
 Once our foals turn 2 years old 
they continue on to our trainers
 or are are "fitted" for the
 NCHA Futurity Sale in Fort Worth, Texas
 held each December. 

After our horses are in training for 
one year we evaluate each horse
 and choose only a few to continue to 
be finished as "Cutting Horses".

If a horse doesn't continue in our "Cutting Program" 
we offer it for sale or have them return to 
Kel-Chris Farm to be one of our riding horses. 

The horses that do not go on to "Cutting" show circuit
 have been sold as Youth horses, Team Penners and Reined
Cow Horses. 

Every horse that we offer for sale has a very solid foundation. 
 They are well broke, and have had at least 90 days "on cattle".  They all have very nice "manners",
 they haul, they clip and bathe,
and are respectful of farriers and vets. 

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